My Sisters, the Holidays, Memory Lane and Two Gorgeous Dresses

The holidays were AMAZING this year, and one of my favorite parts of it is watching the family grow. I have BROTHERS now! and Mom has SONS. And of that she is enamored. I feel like the family is finally complete, and of course, I have subjects to photograph at Christmas. Here is a picture of said gorgeous boys and a couple of presents from their doting mother-in-law.

I mean come on. They are so perf.

I mean come on. They are so perf.

WARNING: This post gets political as I zoom in on the socks she gave each of them.
(The views and opinions expressed by these socks are those of the socks and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any person in this picture.)

Mom couldn't stop giggling about these socks.

Mom couldn't stop giggling about these socks.

I think they even like each other. And might be starting a band.

This album drops New Year's Eve, YO.

This album drops New Year's Eve, YO.


It's about my sisters!



These two have been lighting up my life since 1987-88. Probably the first little things I fell in love with, they have always been my living dolls. I get super excited when we all get to be together.

I get SO EXCITED, in fact. that I JUST MIGHT bring a trunk full of dresses and make them play dress ups for me. I mean, you are never to old for dress ups with your sisters. And I can never get enough of these two. And then I'm all LET'S RUN DOWNSTAIRS AND PLAY CATALOG MODEL. And they come. Because I am the big sister and there will be NO TURKEY OR NAPS until I get some PICS. :) (I'm the meanest!)

Oh look! They are all grown up now!!!

Oh look! They are all grown up now!!!

I am so crazy about these two. Best presents my parents ever gave me!

I am so crazy about these two. Best presents my parents ever gave me!

florida lifestyle photographer

Every little thing they do looks like magic to me! I am smitten. 

Aren't they lovely? My favorite part is getting pictures of them that I love capturing of my own daughters. It's like a time traveling experience. BABIES GROW UP TOO FAST!

I'll take "Pictures that make a mom cry." for 2000, Alex.

I'll take "Pictures that make a mom cry." for 2000, Alex.

The dresses my sisters are wearing are from the newly released collection by Whims + Waves.
The texture and flow of the material was absolutely luxurious and soft. The halter dress could be styled for any occasion, and the teal keyhole maxi is just really would make a beautiful choice for bridesmaid dresses. They wanted to keep them forever, but as much as I love my sisters, they only gets dibs on LAST YEAR'S client wardrobe. 

But I told them, and I will tell YOU, if you order from Whims + Waves and use my discount code (KVAND25), you can order these dresses for your very own closet, and get 25% OFF your order! No shipping in the United States.

Bridal Session - Lake Martin Alabama

A few weeks ago i had the opportunity to travel up to my parents lake house in Dadeville, Alabama to gather with my sister and her very best friends to celebrate her last days of being single.

I brought a few things from my studio wardrobe closet to play dress up with her at one of my favorite places in the world. I love this house, I love this house, and I love this woman right here.

lake martin alabama wedding photographer
dadeville alabama wedding photographer

This is one of my favorite shots ever.
I love the realness of movement and expression.

And I love chopped heads.

alexander city wedding photographer

Another fave.

lake martin alabama bridal session

I am used to crazy windy beaches and the middle of the lake in the morning is, well, not windy at all.
But like I said, there were lots of ladies with us.
And cocktails.

So we improvised.

lake martin alabama photographer

Pretty sure I need a crew for ground support from now on.
Open up the pictures in the grid.
That little firecracker in the red almost made me pee my pants.


But we finally figured it out. ;)

lake martin alabama photographer

It was a little chilly, my sister was like, "IS THIS DRESS SEE THROUGH???" and we really only had like 20 minutes between rain pours, but I am absolutely in love with all these pictures and her face and her happiness and her heart full of love.

lake martin lifestyle photographer
dadeville alabama wedding photographer


alabama wedding photographer

This face right here - ugh. 
Mrs. Jackson. That's who.

auburn alabama wedding photographer
opelika alabama photographer
lake martin photography
lake martin photographer

Welp, there you have it, my sister is one of my favorite subjects, and this is one of my favorite shoots, and some of my favorite pictures. I adore having the freedom to dress, doll up, and direct a living breathing art piece, and create something wonderful with someone I love.
This is why I do what I do.
This is why it all gets done.

A Baby Baptism Party - Apopka, Florida

I was super excited to attend and photograph this little one's baptism in Orlando last month. His parents were actually one of my first weddings, and it had been years since I had seen or photographed them, though we kept in touch on Facebook.

I had been wanting to get my hands on this little guy for sometime, to say the least.

florida baptism photographer

This was my first baptism session, and it was absolutely lovely and so touching. It was a private event and therefore I was able to move and photograph freely during the ceremony, capturing all the sweetness and this beautiful light.

This handsome guy.
He has the sweetest little face.

orlando florida baptism event photographer

Baptism Day is a huge day for a baby.
So much family and so much party.
So much celebrating of life.

After the ceremony we headed back to the house for a family party and pictures with every grandparent, auntie, uncle, cousin and family friend.

baptism photography

And of course my session wouldn't be complete without a little getaway with mom and dad.
We sneaked a couple of quiet minutes in the living room for some cuddly family goodness.

orlando baby photographer

I am so in love with their little family.
Only thing missing is their gorgeous dog.

apopka florida family photographer

So I guess I will have to go back. 
Because family isn't complete without puppers!

Angel Face - Daytona Beach Child Portraits

This sweet little gigglebox stole my heart...

I absolutely LOVE mommy and me sessions.

If all I ever captured was a mother and child love bond, I would be a happy photographer.

A Princess kind of day

Highlight Real Fast Forward!

I have no excuses, but I could use a couple more hours in a day!

Happy Friday! (FriYAY!)

Let's dive right in to images for the past few weeks, shall we?

Week 6 was "hearts".

(Can we all agree that February flew past?) GUH!

These gorgeous freckles...

 - Billie Leatham

These gorgeous jewel tones...

 - April Malo

This moment.

 - Denise Sebastiano

 - Denise Sebastiano

This awesome shadow capture...

 - Mary Weber Bunevich

my own little valenstinse!

 - Karmen Van Derven

All of our hearts...


Appropriate since we kind of lost momentum that week, lol.

It is so hard to keep a project like this going, but that is the challenge, right? Sometimes the themes are going to be hard to capture. It's okay. nobody gets a failing grade.

That you ever participate at all is HUGE.
Especially to me. 

I went to college for 11+ years so I get this next one...

Lacie Sibley

I want to go to here. That is all.
Even if only in my mind for a moment.
This is good enough for the living room wall...

- Lisa Willey

This little climber with the cutest ponytail.

- Jessica McDonold

This exciting moment.

- Amy Bueshel

Twirly girl circles.

 - Karmen Van Derven

I love the lines in this one.
I can feel the movement in her hair....

 - Billie Leatham

Sugar and Spice

Some little girls just captivate an audience.
I have had my eye on these 2 since I first saw them...and was so lucky that their mother felt sure I could capture them in their best light.

Also, it must be said that Mommy didn't let me down when it came to hair and wardrobe...
She's a GIVER! The bright gorgeous colors and this awesome sunrise made way for some beautiful shots.


Beautiful Sisters in the Sun

Taking a few moments from a crazy birthday shoot for fifteen 13 year olds to do some family shots.  (When *I* was 13, I was friends and rode the bus with this 13 year old's mom.)

I can't tell you how much it means to me when friends from my past contact me for a session. Not only is it awesome to catch up, it is such an experience to see them now, as an adult, with their own children. 

What is also amazing is seeing their former selves in their children.

Her girls are just at the age I remember her....