Dressing for Portraits: Embracing Your True Self and Letting Kids Be Kids

Portraits are like time capsules that freeze special moments and capture our true selves. When it comes to dressing for portraits, it's all about representing who you really are. Let’s dive into the importance of authenticity and discuss how children (and all of us, really) can get mixed messages about acceptance when they're forced to dress up and act like someone else for photos. When we look back on these photos in the future – and that’s what they are for – will we want to see a family playing dress up and fake smiling while everyone stares at the same spot?

Or will we want to see beautiful moments taken right out of the middle of the complicated, unique journey we are on with the people we love the most?

Being True to Yourself: Your Personal Style


Portraits are a chance to show off your unique personality and style. Dressing authentically means wearing clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident. So, go ahead and rock those colors, cuts, and patterns that speak to your soul. By staying true to your preferences, you'll create a portrait that reflects your true identity.

Don’t dress like someone else. It’s easy to want to look like someone else in your photos. So many times people ask me if I am going to touch up their photos or tell me to make them look younger or thinner.

Honey, I would never. What I am going to do is make you look happier, more confident, and loved. I promise that is so much better.

Embrace Your Uniqueness: Imperfections Are Beautiful


In a world obsessed with perfection and conformity, embracing your quirks and uniqueness is a powerful act of self-love. When dressing for portraits, celebrate the aspects that make you distinctly you – scars, freckles, and all. Remember, these imperfections tell your story and make you beautiful. Embrace them, and your portrait will become a testament to your self-acceptance and self-love.

I am going to get all of you from so many angles and even if you struggle with loving yourself enough to show up in this portrait, we will find each other. We will find the parts of you that you can admire and pull them out for the whole world to see.

Mixed Messages and Children: Letting Kids Be Kids


Children often receive conflicting messages about acceptance when it comes to dressing up for photos. On one hand, we want them to be themselves and embrace their individuality. On the other hand, we pressure them and bribe them like they better not show up as they are. Chances are, your kids will be more compliant and better behaved than you expected, especially if you don’t force them to wear something they hate.


I believe in giving kids the freedom to choose at least one outfit for their portraits. Letting them express themselves allows them to build confidence and a sense of identity. When you look back, the more they are themselves in a photo the more sentimental it becomes. They won’t be this way for long, the way things change, so let’s just get them as they are and let them be enough. Let them bring some favorite things that reflect what they are into right now. Let’s get images of your kid. Not some kid you saw on Instagram.

The Lasting Joy of Authentic Representation


When we dress authentically for portraits, we not only create meaningful artwork but also experience personal growth. Embracing our true selves leads to a deeper love and acceptance of who we are. By cherishing the end product, we reinforce the importance of embracing our authentic selves in all aspects of life. When we hang these portraits in our homes and share them with loved ones, we are sharing our true selves, and showing our kids we are proud of them just the way they are.

Portraits become more than just pictures; they become reminders of our journey towards self-discovery and self-love.

Dressing for portraits is all about embracing your true self and allowing your unique personality to shine through. Don't forget to let kids be kids and have a say in their outfits, as it fosters their confidence and individuality. If you need assistance with styling or shopping ideas, count on me to help you out. Remember, when we dress authentically, we create portraits that reflect our genuine essence and embark on a journey of self-discovery and lasting self-love.

(That is not to say it is easy to choose clothing for a session. I am happy to help any of my clients journey through selecting their authentic wardrobes.)